WASD to move, Shift to sprint, Point and Click to shoot.

Fishing (New and Improved) is a very simplistic, bite-sized FPS with extremely low-budget production value where both you - the cat - and the fish have guns and must teach each other how to use them (by killing each other). 

This is definitely the most advanced game I've made yet, making use of everything I've learned in Unity in the past quarter from asset flipping and simple 3D positioning (Hall of Sacred Remains), to texts and canvases (Recursive), to Scenes and Movement (Dodging Responsibilities: The Game) and some more things in Unity for good measure. I've had to work with rigidbodies and the Destroy function for projectiles, program stuff with LookAt for enemies, and some minor post-processing work - a lot of new stuff that I learned over the course of this project is just here inside the game. It's definitely had a hand in my rapidly declining sanity these past couple of weeks, that's for sure - but it was worth it. I've spent a good 3 weeks and change staring at this project and working at it, so I hope you enjoy!

Credits to: 

Tyger8540 - for helping me so much with the code and with so many little Unity issues in so many little ways.

thedw2 - for all the advice and feedback whilst playing and for the music collaboration, thanks so much! Also much thanks for the sound effects! Go check out his work at https://thedw2.itch.io/!

Bubbles the Penguin/RickyD - thanks for the old beta trailer as well as the new and improved one that's embedded in this page! You went above and beyond what I asked (literally just wanted a minute of gameplay) and delivered. Thanks.

Updated 2 days ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, macOS, HTML5
Tags3D, Singleplayer


DeepBlueBoomWIN.zip 51 MB
DeepBlueBoomMAC.app.zip 48 MB

Install instructions

For Windows: download and double-click to open.

For Mac: download and double-click to open. Click 'open anyways' if prompted.

Inputs default to keyboard and mouse.


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