An abstract art game about dodging responsibilities.

So, it's my first time working with colliders and boundaries,  etc, as well as coding a custom character controller. I settled for a fairly simple controller with WASD movement controllers and a simple objective - dodge all the responsibilities that are zooming at you and survive! I tried to stay fairly abstract and just work only with simple shapes. The game is fully complete with respawns and quit-out and multiple levels.

If you fail, well there's always the chance to retry. But you can't dodge those responsibilities forever...

You can hit Q to quit, but that'll only work on Windows or Mac.


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Install instructions

For Windows: download and double-click to open.

For Mac: download and double-click to open. Click 'open anyways' if prompted.

Inputs default to keyboard and mouse.


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Died in an instant first round lol honestly so real. Really enjoyed the concept it conveyed the meaning of the game very well and was fun to play! Agree with others that it reminded me of flappy bird.

A bullet hell is a really interesting way of representing responsibilities. Good work!

(1 edit)

At first I was thinking the game was really easy, but the moment the "responsibilities" turned red and the background was black, that was an absurd amount of things to dodge, makes me want to try again.

Makes me think Undertale if Sans was throwing homework at me. I really enjoyed the progression and level design with the objects coming at you from every direction. I was also very proud of myself for getting past the red level but then got destroyed in the third level... great job!

Thought I was real clever by camping on the left side of the screen until the responsibilities came at me from multiple directions. Great to see the "for educational use" text again. Starting to realize that text might be serious and not a joke, but it would make a very fun calling card. Like the comments said below, the game reminds me of Flappy Bird, but also bullet hells, in a sense..?

So freaking cool! The progression works so well, I just wish there were save points whenever the screen starts moving in a new direction. But also, responsibilities are never ending, and sadly the longer you avoid them the more tumultuous they become.

Definitely reminiscent of mobile survival games like Flappy Bird! Just like life, responsibilities are inevitable in this game...

Reminds me of flappy bird, also kinda like how you're dodging your responsibilities and are getting used to dodgnig them but then you suddenly get the vertical ones. Can't escape them!